Push-up Bus

One of the things I liked about London 2012 was the stuff that was organised on the periphery, such as music concerts and public works of art. On the walk into the stadium we noticed a mobile phone mast that had been disguised as an Olympic torch, which was rather cool. Not sure if it will stay there beyond the end of the games but I hope so.

Another interesting work was the push-up bus designed by Czech artist David Cerny which cleverly combines the instantly identifiable icon of the red London bus with an equally recognisable (if you are an athlete) action in the form of a push-up. This “push-up bus” was located outside of the Business Design Centre in Islington where the Czech’s were based.

It was amazing to watch and it was also accompanied by grunting sounds as the bus was lifted off the ground. You can see it in the video below.

I am not sure how much longer it is going to be there but if you get a chance it is definitely worth a visit.


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