After the ‘punishing’ schedule of the last ten days we decided to take it easier today. Neither Helen nor I are ones to sit around and read a book or brown ourselves on a sun lounger so this was going to be a challenge for both of us! For us a late start would be 9am so to be leaving the hotel at 10 today was something of a revelation.
Despite having been round Sorrento a number of times there was still plenty to do that we hadn’t done previously. So we walked down to the pretty marina area where the ferry to Capri goes from. In order to reach this you have to go past row upon row of sun loungers on top of floating pontoons (there doesn’t seem to be a beach). I found it a depressing site and can’t understand why anyone would choose this spot to sun bathe. It was also in the shade which perhaps didn’t help!
That done we took the lazy way back up and paid the €1 to get the lift back to the town and continued to have a stroll through the back streets.
There’s not much more to say about today and I have been carrying a cold for the last few days so I can’t be bothered to write much more!