The irony of taking a weeks holiday when the weather turns after ten weeks of glorious sunshine is not lost on me. Therefore, to make the most of the calm before the storm we headed out early this morning for a walk around Dinton Pastures.
Dinton is a series of lakes formed during gravel extraction, most of which ended up under the M4 and despite it’s proximity to said road it is (mostly) pretty quiet. Unlike yesterday’s peaceful walk, today was a different matter as my mind wasn’t in the right place to enjoy it as it is still full of the (ongoing) work issues.
The other reason it was less pleasurable was the obsession Helen and I currently have with closing the three activity rings on our Apple watches. This requires any walk to become more of a yomp than a relaxed stroll. It becomes even less relaxing when you realise that one of our watches has recorded vastly more activity than the other!

The Ladder
In the afternoon the promised rain duly arrived trapping us in the house, or at least it would have done had there not been crys for help from my eldest son on the DIY front. This necessitated the collection and delivery of a step ladder – twice.
It’s an odd thing when your DIY skills only have to be one page further ahead in the guide book for you to be considered an “expert”. My Dad is a truly skilled engineer and can turn his hand to pretty much anything around the house whereas I have no such skills. I feel sorry for my sons who are learning their handyman skills from me! I fear for their houses too…
Back home the work issues continued to percolate through from yesterday into today and will continue into tomorrow too. I can also see with the weather being as it is ending up painting the lounge. Now I can clearly see why I go away for my holidays and don’t spend them at home.