We’d traveled overnight from Linz further down the Danube to the small town of Melk. I’m told that we passed through a lock at midnight but I slept through that. I’m hoping that we pass through one in the daylight as they really are a sight to behold.
We’d not been to Melk before but knew of the Benedictine abbey that overlooks and dominates the place. From the front, seen below, it looks impressive but you don’t get a real sense of just how big the place is. For that, you need to take a short walk to the centre of town and a very attractive main street and from here, up above, you can see the abbey which ran the full length of the street. It is huge.
We had a walk along the main street and up to the abbey but that was it. This is the problem with visiting small places – it leads to small blog posts. And, if you think that was short wait until you read about Weissenkirchen!

Just a short float down the Danube from Melk is Weissenkirchen which apparently means white church. As you can see from the picture below their idea of white and mine are very different but I suppose grubby off-white church didn’t have the same ring to it.
We walked up to the church, took a peak at the view from up there and then wandered back again. See, told you it was short!