The last day of our cruise and we were back in our starting port of Palma. We’d arrived so late in the evening last week we hadn’t had an opportunity to explore before but intended to put that right today.
There is a magnificent looking cathedral in Palma and we intended to go there and tour the old town. The problem was that while neither looked that far away from the window of our cabin that was a view as the crow flies and neither of us are crows. The walk was actually along the edge of the marina and that took 50 minutes.
We walked around the old town and the cathedral before I felt I’d had enough as I was feeling pretty done in. We toyed with the idea of getting a taxi to the ship before walking back – very slowly and in silence.
When we eventually got home it became clear why I was struggling – I had caught Covid, presumably off someone on the boat. Therefore, I’d like to apologise to the other 100 or so passengers on our return flight last night. Then again, the NHS seem to be taking a fairly laissez-faire attitude to it these days so it seems that we have all moved on. And so must we – it’s only 219 days to our next adventure!