Buttercups and Daisies
Election 20151915
By the time you read this the election will (probably) be all over and the squabbling will have begin before we end up with some mish-mash of parties in an alliance of people who come together in a marriage of inconvenience. However, what stuck me was just how antiquated the whole process was. It cannot …
Hadrian’s Wall
“All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?” Well, they built a bloody great big wall running from the River Tyne to the Solway Firth, a total of 70 miles, and over the weekend …
Record Store Day Virgin
Many years ago I had a large record collection but as time moved on I spent more time listening to CDs and then MP3s and we needed the space at home and so they went. Now vinyl is cool again and each year independent record shops in the UK take part in Record Store Day …
Portchester Castle
Fresh from an exploration of a hidden London gem on Saturday we visited somewhere that has been hiding in plain sight pretty much all my adult life. For four years I went to Portsmouth University (or Polytechnic as it was then) and twenty odd years later my son did the same. In the intervening years …
Hidden London – Camden to Paddington
I like London. It’s a great city. I wouldn’t want to live there and nor would I want to have to commute up there everyday to work but it is a beautiful and richly varied city. A great example of this is the almost jarring contrast between Camden Market, with it’s brash high street and …
New Releases
This month seems to have been a rich period for new music releases that I love. So much so that I thought that I would share them here. Enjoy!
Spot the April Fools’
Over the years the amount of effort put into creating April Fools’ jokes has increased exponentially, with some more plausible than others (see above). Some, such as Google and Amazon go to the trouble of creating really slick websites and videos such as these from Google (love the girl’s reaction at the end): And Amazon …
Always the Bridesmaid…
I have written about my younger son’s playing of League of Legends before. Yesterday was the culmination of months of games in the NUEL (National University eSports League) with over 300 teams having been whittled down to the final two with Mat’s UoB Storm pitted against Nottingham Bears. Unfortunately they lost out but it was …