Ten Years a’blogging

I missed an anniversary in January – ten years since I have been running my own blog. I did blog prior to that, sporadically, on Blogger but this was the first time that I took it seriously, firstly using Greymatter and then transferring to WordPress. Over the years there have been some ups and downs …

Always the Bridesmaid…

I have written about my younger son’s playing of League of Legends before. Yesterday was the culmination of months of games in the NUEL (National University eSports League) with over 300 teams having been whittled down to the final two with Mat’s UoB Storm pitted against Nottingham Bears. Unfortunately they lost out but it was …

Solar Eclipse

As I write this and look out of my window it is a beautiful day. The sun is shining down and there is not a cloud in the sky. Wind back to this morning when the solar eclipse was supposed to be happening it was grey and overcast with zero chance of seeing what the …

Birthday List

It’s possible that I might have a significant birthday this year and if you are wondering what you might get me the above BMW would be most welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰

Train Spotter

I was clearing out the bedroom getting it ready to decorate when I unearthed my old train set.ย This was given to me as a christening present so, like me, it is getting on a bit but, unlike me, it is beautifully preserved! There are a few references to the set, a Triang Railways RS 29, …