A work of art

A few months ago I received an email via Flickr asking me if some of the photos that I had taken while in Bruges, Belgium  and posted to the photo sharing site could be used as inspiration for an art project. I have had requests to use various photos that I have taken and posted to …

This Could Get Annoying

Have you discovered the Harlem Shake yet? If you haven’t then consider yourself very lucky that this latest “internet sensation” has passed you by. Basically is is usually one person moving in time to the music before the break and then everyone taking part after that. See the video below for an idea, there are …

As the Crow Flies

I am current waiting patiently (ok impatiently) for a parcel to be delivered. This being the 21st century I am able to track the progress of said parcel on the internet and I can see that it is tantalisingly close having only been dispatched from Utrecht in The Netherlands some 264 miles away as the …

2013 Side Projects

Last year I read a book called SideProjects Book which was over 70 stories of people that had started businesses, all apps in this case, while holding down a day job. By the end of 2012 I realised that I had achieved that too with The Chubby Challenge. I think that there is a danger …

Eros, London 2012

I took this in London just before the Christmas break on my iPhone and was really pleased with the way that it has turned out. As Eros was behind hoardings that have either been erected to protect it from drunken new year revelers or while it is being repaired you couldn’t see it in all …

Heroes for Help

2012 has been an interesting year for the Thompson family, principally because it has brought us into contact with many areas of the public sector but, mainly and I have to say regrettably, the NHS and the police. This involved my trip to the nurse early in the year, one major operation, a colonoscopy, an assault and a mugging – …

Duke Special

Last concert of 2012 last night when we went to see Duke Special at Shepherd’s Bush Empire. Throwing caution to the wind we elected to drive up and park at the Westfield shopping centre which is just five minutes walk from the venue. Of course, this being just five days from Christmas that was a …