Primrose and Marilyn

London is an amazing place to visit and is eminently walkable if the weather’s fine and you’re up for it. This was us yesterday when we went up to celebrate Helen’s birthday. We were going up for a cinema trip, more of which later, and had the whole day to kill before it. The weather …

Hamilton, a Load of Rap

It seems that the lead times from ticket purchase to actually going to the event are getting longer and longer. We waited the best part of six months from booking to seeing Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Yesterday, some 13 months after we booked the tickets, we got to see the musical that everyone is talking …

Four Days, Four Counties, Four National Trust Properties

In what is becoming an annual tradition we have once again, having seen off family and friends, got out and about to make the most of our National Trust membership. Last year we did five National Trust properties over an eight day period and the year before five visits over five counties in seven days. For reasons …